I am here to help you create a safe accessible Home, That is fully functional for a lifetime


Ryan Salmon Safe Accessible Home

Ryan Salmon OTR/L, ECHM

Doctor of Occupational Therapy | Licensed Contractor | Aging/Living in Place Consultant

Safe Accessible Home aims to reduce the stress and confusion of the home modification process through virtual assessments. 

Hello, I am Ryan Salmon, Dr. of Occupational Therapy and experienced carpenter. I have 10 years of occupational therapy experience in the home and community, 20 years of construction experience and hold an Executive Certificate in Home Modifications (ECHM) from the Southern California University Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. I’m here to coach you through creating a living space that is inclusive for your family and visitors.

The Process

  1. Explore my site to learn about my services and how I can help you or your loved ones achieve a safe and independent lifestyle at home.

  2. Schedule a FREE 15-minute Discovery Call to discuss your needs. If my services are a good fit, we'll proceed to the next step.

  3. Complete the questionnaire to provide details about your living situation and any barriers. Feel free to contact me with any questions; I'll respond within 48 hours.

  4. After the questionnaire, schedule an Initial Home Modification Assessment. Please email photos, videos, and measurements if possible.

Areas of Focus

  • I’ll provide personalized recommendations such as installing ramps, creating a zero step entrance, handrails, or modifying doorways to enhance ease of entry and ensure safety for individuals with mobility challenges. Additionally, I’ll offer support as a liaison with you and your contractor to ensure the modification comes together as planned.

  • I’ll provide tailored solutions such as widening doorways, removing tripping hazards, or suggesting adaptive aids like non-slip flooring to ensure smooth and secure movement throughout the home. My guidance aims to optimize pathways, creating an environment that fosters independence and minimizes the risk of accidents for individuals with diverse mobility needs.

  • I’ll offer personalized solutions such as installing grab bars, non-slip surfaces, and raised toilet seats to enhance safety and independence. Additionally, you'll recommend modifications like walk-in showers or tubs to cater to individual needs, ensuring a safer and more accessible bathroom environment for all users.

  • I’ll recommend adjustments such as repositioning furniture, installing bedside rails, or suggesting adjustable beds to facilitate easier movement and enhance accessibility for individuals with specific needs. My goal is to help you create a personalized and secure space that promotes independence and comfort within the bedroom environment.

  • I’ll provide tailored recommendations such as adjusting counter heights, installing reachable cabinets, height adjustable counters/cabinets, or suggesting kitchen tools and appliances designed for easier use to enhance safety and convenience for individuals with diverse needs. My goal is to help you create a functional and accessible kitchen environment that enables independence and promotes ease of daily activities.

  • My recommendations may involve rearranging furniture for better pathways, suggesting chairs with appropriate heights and armrests for easier seating and standing, or proposing adjustable tables to accommodate various needs, aiming to create a safe, comfortable, and easily navigable space for individuals with mobility challenges. My goal is to tailor the living room environment to enhance accessibility and promote independence while maintaining a welcoming and functional atmosphere.

  • You might recommend installing chairlifts, handrails, or elevators to facilitate mobility for individuals with limited mobility. Additionally, evaluating the layout and suggesting modifications like bedroom relocations or adding bedroom amenities upstairs can enhance convenience and accessibility for daily living.

  • I'll suggest design elements such as decorative grab bars with multiple uses, stylish yet slip-resistant flooring, and adaptive furniture that seamlessly integrates accessibility features without compromising on the home's aesthetics. My approach aims to create inviting and visually pleasing spaces while prioritizing safety and accessibility for individuals with diverse needs.

  • I might recommend pathways without tripping hazards, raised garden beds for easier reach, or adaptive tools for gardening activities, ensuring a more inclusive and accessible outdoor environment for individuals with mobility challenges. My goal is to help you create a garden space that promotes enjoyment and participation in gardening activities while prioritizing safety and ease of use for all users.

  • I'll evaluate existing lighting fixtures, recommend brighter or adjustable lighting options, and suggest motion-sensor lights for key areas to enhance visibility and reduce fall risks, especially for individuals with visual impairments or mobility limitations. My goal is to create a well-lit environment that promotes independence and minimizes hazards throughout the home.

  • Combining occupational therapy expertise with travel planning, I'll assess specific needs and design accessible travel itineraries catering to individuals' mobility requirements. By recommending accessible accommodations, transportation options, and destinations with inclusive facilities, I aim to ensure a seamless and enjoyable travel experience while accommodating diverse abilities. My goal is to empower individuals to explore the world confidently, removing barriers to accessibility and fostering independence during their journeys.


Safe Accessible Home

Improving your ENVIRONMENT

I look forward to meeting you and addressing your unique needs. Whether planning for the future with universal design or customizing your home for aging or disability, I am here to help.

After assessing your abilities and environmental needs, I provide personalized recommendations to enhance safety, independence, and accessibility. From assessment to project completion, I ensure your home modifications meet your specific needs.

Anticipating future needs benefits everyone. Accessible, convenient, and enjoyable environments, created through universal design, serve the diverse needs and abilities of all


  • "As a licensed therapist, I understand the concerns of family members regarding the safety and well-being of their elderly parents and grandparents. With Ryan's extensive background as an Occupational Therapist, coupled with his proficiency in contracting and construction, and his unwavering commitment to every client, his trusted services provide an invaluable sense of reassurance to the families and individuals he serves."

    ~ Mari A. Lee, LMFT, Glendora, CA

  • "Ryan Salmon is an amazingly kind, empathetic, compassionate, capable, and gifted Occupational Therapist. I had a need for his services when my 84 year old mother, who suffers from dementia, came to live with me full time. Ryan came to our home several times to meet with us. He spent hours in conversation with my mother really getting to know her, her needs, and her abilities. He walked through our home to make suggestions about ways we can improve spaces with elder-care and comfort in mind. He also helped make one of these changes when he installed a grip-bar just outside the shower door for mom to hold on to when getting in and out of the step-in shower. He also made suggestions about how to add handrails to our front porch. I was drawn to Ryan’s tender heart and soft voice as he talked with us. He made a point to address mom when asking questions instead of always deferring to me for answers. He made her feel seen, understood, and important. I recommend this man and his services every chance I can. He is truly wonderful."

    ~ Kristen Brumfield, Haines, AK

BOOK MY Services

Initial Home & Safety Accessibility Assessment

Follow Up Visit

Consultation between Client & Contractor (Liaison Support)

Get in touch.