I am an Occupational Therapist with extensive experience in assisting individuals with disabilities within their homes and communities. My journey into occupational therapy was profoundly influenced by my years of dedicated service as a direct care provider for individuals with developmental disabilities, ultimately culminating in the attainment of a doctorate in Occupational Therapy. Before and throughout my academic pursuit, I worked as a carpenter and handyman, a background that enabled me to acquire a contractor's license. This dual expertise allows me to perform home modifications, thereby enhancing accessibility and quality of life for my clients and community members.

I have integrated my professional experience to aiding others and enhancing living environments by becoming a virtual home modification coach and consultant. During the initial two years of the pandemic, I supported my parents (as depicted in the accompanying photo with my son and parents) through numerous phone and Zoom consultations, providing home modification ideas and recommendations as my father experienced a decline in mobility. My assistance enabled my father to fulfill his wish of spending his final days comfortably at home.

Outside of my work life, I enjoy spending time with my family and being outdoors. My wife and I have been married for 15 years and we have a daughter and a son. My wife is now a licenced clinical social worker and serves our local school as a mental health specialist with plans to start contracting and starting her own virtual therapy business.  She enjoys reading, cooking, travel, knitting, weaving and going for walks. We look forward to traveling together much more when our kids are out of school. Our daughter is a freshman in high school and is involved in volleyball, basketball, track and field, honor choir and volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters and our son in middle school enjoys mountain biking, baseball, basketball and loves history and trivia. We also have a golden retriever and cat who provide us with added love, therapy and bear protection from time to time.   

A big part of our lifestyle living in Alaska is subsistence hunting and fishing, two of my favorite activities.  I catch enough salmon for the entire year each summer/fall and we are very successful hunting moose with extended family and friends, so our freezer is always plump full before winter hits. Our gardening skills are also improving every year and we hope to become more self-sufficient from year to year.  

Hobbies & Family

“To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.”

~ Tia Walker


“Ryan Salmon is an amazingly kind, empathetic, compassionate, capable, and gifted Occupational Therapist. I had  a need for his services when my 84 year old mother, who suffers from dementia, came to live with me full time. Ryan came to our home several times to meet with us. He spent hours in conversation with my mother really getting to know her, her needs, and her abilities. He walked through our home to make suggestions about ways we can improve spaces with elder-care and comfort in mind. He also helped make one of these changes when he installed a grip-bar just outside the shower door for mom to hold on to when getting in and out of the step-in shower. He also made suggestions about how to add handrails to our front porch. I was drawn to Ryan’s tender heart and soft voice as he talked with us. He made a point to address mom when asking questions instead of always deferring to me for answers. He made her feel seen, understood, and important. I recommend this man and his services every chance I can. He is truly wonderful.”

~ Kristen Brumfield, Haines, AK